Photographs of old Jandakot and Banjup
The Morning Herald of 1 August 1903 carried a special feature on the settlers of Jandakot.The photographs and some of the original text from the feature are reproduced below, again with the kind permission of the City of Cockburn.
One of the first operations undertaken by the new settler is the fencing of his holding. In the above selection Mr. W. Shepherd, a Jandakot settler, is seen hard at Work fencing the 887 acre lot which he purchased from the original selector. Although only 10 months on the land Mr. Shepherd—who hails from the North of Ireland—has already three acres of, garden in full profit, and succeeded in having for sale a fine crop of tomatoes within six months of his taking possession of the land. As the picture suggests, there is abundance of fencing material on the Jandakot area.
With axe and grub hoe, the new selector who would succeed applies himself vigorously to the task of clearing the timbered lands of Jandakot. Holdings which produce heavy yields of garden stuff have only been brought to their present state of perfection by insistent and intelligent industry. The labour is hard, and oftentimes monotonous; the reward to the diligent is always sure and sweet.
The Jandakot settlers make a, point of converting into firewood the timber they cut down in clearing their holdings. This is carted to Fremantle, as shown in the above picture, where it is sold. A back load of stable manure is invariably carried, as successful market gardening demands the heavy fertilising of the soil.
Road-making in the Jandakot area is a most expensive undertaking. The simplest form of single track road costs £1050 per mile to construct, and is built mainly of timber, which is brought from near Armadale by rail and road, a. distance of 40 miles, to the scene of the picture, which is about nine miles distant from it in a. direct line. The mud shown above is 7ft. 6in. wide, and consists of two sets of three planks—Sin. by 5in. wide—spiked on to 9in. by 3in. sleepers. positioned 6ft. apart. The centre is filled in with limestone brought from near Fremantle, which stands wear poorly and entails heavy expense in repairs. In the picture one plank on each side has yet to be added before the road is complete.
Mr. J. Ramsay has 154 acres at Jandakot, which he has recently commenced to improve. Already three, acres are under a crop of mixed garden stuff. including cauliflowers and swede turnips, which are making splendid progress. Our artist fortunately came across Mr. Ramsay whilst he was busily engaged preparing some of his produce for market, and was thus enabled to make, an interesting picture.
Mr. Semple is a Jandakot settler, who with determined industry has turned what is by no means one of the best lots in Jandakot to good account, in which won; he was nobly aided by Mrs. Sample, As the picture indicates garden products of the finest type are abundant produced at Eccelfechan, the name which Mr. Semple has given his homestead. This sturdy settler is deserving of all praise for the splendid work he has done, and for the fine returns which he is winning from the most inferior lands that prevail at Jandakot. It is interesting to note that Mr. Semple gives at good account of the so-called Jandakot “sandy ridges" from which by intelligent treatment he has reaped seven tons of potatoes to the acre.
Mr. J. Treeby and his family of nine find abundant employment on the splendid garden lands of their holding, the centre of which is a. lake during the winter months. In order to release the surface waters from this portion of his garden, Mr. Treeby and his lads have undertaken extensive drainage operations, which so far have been partially successful. This settler has about 30 acres of garden under cultivation, from which he cuts splendid samples of vegetables. The herculean efforts which Mr. Treeby and his family have made to improve their land and render it wealth-producing are worthy of all praise. How bravely the average Jandakot settler has toiled in order to make a how can only be faintly appreciated by those who personally inspect the holdings
One of the successful farmers of Jandakot is Mr. Carlson, who, in raising garden stuff, employs eight men on 15 acres. The above picture represents Mr. Carlson standing in a bed of cauliflowers, which, under proper treatment, thrive luxuriantly on the Jandakot soil. The soils which are worked by this gentleman are typical of some 10,000 or 12,000 acres of moist land in the 37,000 acres of the Jandakot area. The settler who has 10 acres of such land can make an excellent living from it.
Another prominent Jandakot resident is found in Mr. George Willis. who has erected a comfortable home on his fine holding, which is centrally situated and fronts on to Forrest Road. This settler has reared a fine family of ten, who are all greatly interested in the agricultural processes to which the local soils so readily respond. Mr. Willis made his home at Jandakot largely on account of his boys whom he rightly desires to see imbued with a love for the soil. In addition to a large clearing on the higher lands—in which winter crops grow successfully – Mr Willis has a five-acre garden on the lower-lying portions of his holding. Here he has erected a steam pump, the water raised by which enables intense cultivation to be thoroughly carried out during the summer months.
Mr. Warthwyke, the old gentleman who stands in the centre of the above picture, is one of the pioneers of Jandakot and a worthy and much-respected resident. The lemon tree in the background affords striking proof of the fruit-growing capacity of the Jandakot soils. The tree is but six years old, and bears prolifically. Mr. Warthwyke is supported on his left by his son, who takes the keenest interest in all that makes for the advancement of the district.
Front Row – F. Ribe, J.A. Hicks (chairman), A. Skeet
Back Row – J.C. Anderson jun, (secretary), R. Taylor, F. Moennich, G.J. Morgan. G. Harber (auditor)
With axe and grub hoe, the new selector who would succeed applies himself vigorously to the task of clearing the timbered lands of Jandakot. Holdings which produce heavy yields of garden stuff have. only been brought, to their present state of perfection by insistent and intelligent industry. The labour is hard, and oftentimes; monotonous; the reward to the diligent is always sure and sweet.
Locality and Street Name Origins
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Jandakot - The Proving Ground, 1890 to 1910
You can download the text of Chapter 8 of "Cockburn - The Making of a Community" here
Photographs of old Jandakot and Banjup
The Morning Herald of 1 August 1903 carried a special feature on the settlers of Jandakot.The photographs and some of the original text from the feature are reproduced below, again with the kind permission of the City of Cockburn.