Landowner Biodiversity Conservation Grant
The City of Cockburn provides a grant program for resident living in rural zones.
Residents commit to the program over a period of three years and sign a 3-year Voluntary Management Agreement and Conditions of Funding form.
The funding can go up to $3,000 per property per year.
Grants will be allocated in order of merit based on addressing selection criteria until funding pool is exhausted.
You can apply for a range of conservation projects, including:
Weed control
Fencing to exclude stock
Dieback control
Habitat creation/water quality enhancement
Feral animal control
The grant round opens in September each year, and you must return your completed application form to the City by 31 October. Successful applicants will be notified by 30 November.
It is part of the application process that the Environmental Officer will visit the property to assess the proposed plan with the owner.
Financial contribution or in-kind support to the project up to or above the value of the application amount - all manual in-kind labour is to be calculated at $30/hr
You must be the owner of the property. The City will assess applications for vacant land or land where the owner is not in residence on a case-by-case basis
If your property has a conservation covenant, you will not be eligible for funding and priority will be given to landowners whose property has no lawful protection
If your plan is to revegetate only local native plant species must be used.
See this link for application form and full eligibility criteria:
For more information, contact Cockburn's Environmental Services on 08 9411 3444 or