Our Future
Future of Rural Jandakot and Treeby
In August 2023 the Minister for Planning announced that the rural areas of Jandakot and Treeby would be rezoned to “urban”. How long the transition will take is dependent on developers and the approval of their proposals by state and local government.
Developers will have to undertake extensive environmental, transport, noise, and other studies before they can submit initial structure plans to the City of Cockburn for consideration for amendments to the local Town Planning Scheme. Their plans would have to be subject to public consultation. If Council agreed, then the plans would have to be submitted to the WA Planning Commission for their approval. The same process took 4 to 5 years for the development of Calleya to be approved.
Future of Banjup
Banjup’s future as a rural residential area seems to be assured for the next 5 years. That is, Banjup is likely to remain a residential rural area with a 2 hectare minimum block size.
In February 2024, officers at the WA Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) told the BRG that they are aware of no plans that would change the zoning of Banjup for the foreseeable future.
In 2015, the WA government released the first iteration of “Perth and Peel@3.5million”. In that report, the planners said that they had identified sufficient land for a population of 3.5 million people. Banjup was not included in the identified areas. 9 years later that remains the case.
Similarly, officers at the City of Cockburn have told the BRG that they are unaware of any plans that would change the zoning of Banjup.
Consistent with that view, the Council of the City of Cockburn at their October meeting of 2022 adopted the “Principles for Preservation of Banjup”. They are shown in the link to this subsidiary page. The City of Cockburn subsequently incorporated those Principles into its Local Planning Strategy that outlines the City’s 10–15-year plan. It was formally endorsed by the WA Planning Commission in November 2024.
Building on Council’s Principles for Preservation of Banjup, in February 2024, BRG members began considering what Banjup should aspire to be in the coming years. At the 10 March 2024 AGM, members voted unanimously to adopt the “Banjup Vision” that is shown in the link to this subsidiary page .