Banjup Residents Group
Who We Are
Established in 2011, the Group has a membership of more than a third of all households in rural Banjup, Jandakot, and Treeby. Typically, upwards of 70 members attend general meetings to voice their concerns.
The Group exists to facilitate improvements in the security, safety, and amenity of the residents of rural Banjup, Jandakot, and Treeby.
The Group achieves its objects by:
Making representations to government, corporations, and persons to deliver improvements to the security, safety, and amenity of Banjup, Jandakot, and Treeby rural residents
Contributing funds and resources for the improvement of amenities in the rural areas of Banjup, Jandakot, and Treeby
Encouraging good neighbourly contacts between Banjup, Jandakot, and Treeby rural residents
On this web site you can find out more about our current and past initiatives and to make your views known. The Group welcomes everyone's view and will strive to accommodate them in our representations to government and corporations.
What We Do
The Banjup Residents Group strives to preserve and improve our rural areas as safe, green havens of peace and tranquility
Advocating for a Fair Deal for Our Rates
The BRG makes vigorous representations to the City of Cockburn to get a fair deal for our rates. For example, we have:
Convinced Cockburn not to reduce the "GRV concession" as the officers proposed for the 2022-23 rates. This saved an average rural ratepayer about $60 each year and up to $300 for larger properties.
Convinced Cockburn to review their 2015/16 rates and acknowledge that their 3.5% promised rise was actually double that. Cockburn eventually agreed and refunded $1.6 million in over-collections to all Cockburn ratepayers, with Banjup and Jandakot ratepayers averaging $113 each (this refund is now applied every year to all rate notices)
Showed Cockburn Council that Banjup and Jandakot's 2011 rate notices were in error, causing them to be re-issued with a rates reduction of ~$250 per property
Convinced Cockburn council to allocate over $300,000 for the construction of footpaths in Banjup
Advocating for Planning Fairness
For 10 years we pressed the WA Planning Commission to rezone rural properties north of Armadale Road whose rural amenity is now all but lost. We are pleased that the Planning Minister announced in August 2023 that the area would become "urban" zoned under the Metropolitan Region Scheme.
We monitor planning applications to ensure that they are consistent with the character of our rural localities.
Promoting Fire Safety
Our residents are acutely aware of the dangers of bush fire, having experienced the extreme Banjup fire of 3 February 2014.
The BRG liaises closely with the Jandakot Volunteer Bushfire Brigade to promote fire safety across our rural localities.
In 2022, the BRG successfully lobbied the Minister for Water to retain the 3 day bore roster for properties in bush fire prone areas with no scheme water, which includes Banjup, Jandakot, and Treeby. This will enable residents to keep vegetation green in their Asset Protection Zones.
Promoting Road Safety
The BRG continually presses government to deter traffic, especially large trucks, from rat running through our streets.
The BRG campaigns to increase Police presence on our roads to reduce speeds and deter hooning.
Committee 2024
Elected at AGM 10 March 2024
Corinne Franklin
Vice President
Bruce Layman
Joan Weston
Andrew Riches
Dino Elpitelli
Neil Raine
Ian Thurston
Lee Ullrich
Lisa Webber
Rules and Protocols
The Banjup Residents Group (Inc) is an Association incorporated in Western Australia. The rules are available below for download.​
In May 2016, the Committee adopted a set of Civility and Communications Protocols that describe how the Committee wishes to liaise within itself, with Group members, and with the wider community. The Protocols also set out how residents of Banjup and Jandakot might wish to liaise with one another. The Protocols were adopted by unanimous vote of members at the March 2017 AGM.
All general and committee meetings are conducted in accordance with the BRG Rules and the Civility Protocols.
Further, the BRG Facebook page is administered in accordance with the Civility Protocols.
The Rules and Protocols may be downloaded as below.